Week 35
In ELA this week, students were introduced to two literary techniques to enhance the mood, character, setting and/or action in their writing. A synecdoche device can be used in writing for two purposes: 1. Describe a part of something, which acts as a representation for the whole e.g. The phrase "hired hands" can be used to refer to workmen . e. g. The word "wheels" refers to a vehicle. 2. Describe a whole of something to refer to a part e.g. At the Olympics, you will hear that the Canada won a gold medal in an event. That actually means a team from Canada, not the country as a whole . e.g. The word "police" can be used to represent only one or a few police officers. It does not refer to the entire department. Students also learned about hyperboles . Hyperboles are a deliberate UNREALISTIC exaggeration for comic or dramatic effect. They are used in speaking and wr...