Week 8

Remembrance Day 

This year we will be collecting food items to contribute to the Veteran’s Food Bank. If you are able to contribute items please start sending to school on Monday, October 25th and we will continue collecting items until Wednesday, November 10th 


Here is a list of their most desired items: 

Collection list: (new items only please)  

-        Gluten free non-perishable food 

-        Canned corn, mushrooms, beef, chilli or stew 

-        Canned ham or luncheon meat 

-        Juice 

-        Flour 

-        Unscented fabric softener and laundry detergent 

-        Unscented lotion 

-        Dishwasher pods 

-        Bandages 

Thank you in advance for supporting this worthy cause.  


Why do we have Remembrance Day and what meaning does it have for you? 

In learning about, and reflecting upon Remembrance Day this week, students shared their ideas and thoughts about the importance of recognizing this important date. 


P.P. – “It means remembering lost soldiers and wearing a poppy to respect them and thank them for what they did.” 

O.N. – “It is to remember the people who lost their lives fighting for us. It’s honouring the people who have fought and are still fighting to protect others around the world.” 

D. M – I think of the soldiers who fought and sacrificed themselves. Honouring those soldiers to respect them and what they did and how they fought, and to all of the survivors that are still out there.” 

R. D. – “Wearing a poppy to remember all of the fallen soldiers.” 

R.L. – “Remembering those who fought for our country and ensuring our country is a safe place to be.” 

M.M. & E.I. – “To remember the soldiers and the survivors.” 

S.B. – “To respect the people that fought for us.” 


Students in grade 5/6 will continue to develop their understanding and acknowledgement of this day, as they begin to look at the various contributions made by Canadian citizens through their service to our country. Over the coming weeks, students will be working on a written assignment to develop both their understandings and perspectives, as well as enhance their written descriptive language skills. 



In math this week, students in grade 5 worked on a performance task in which they designed appropriate enclosure spaces for animals at a zoo.  Throughout the design, students met the requirements for each space as well as calculated the perimeter and area.  


Learning objectives for this task included: 

-        I can construct two or more rectangles for a given perimeter and area in a problem-solving context 

-        I can provide a real-life context for when it is important to consider the relationship between area and perimeter 



Grade 6 students expanded their understanding of perimeter and area, through the addition of determine the applicable volume of rectangular prisms. Learning goals for students this week included: 

-        I can explain, using models, how the volume of a right rectangular prism can be determined. 

-        I can apply the formula (V = L x W x H) to determine the volume of a rectangular prism.  



Minecraft - Design Provocation 

“How might we reimagine our public spaces to enrich the lives of Calgarians and strengthen our community? 

This week, students in grades 4-6 began exploring the virtual Minecraft Calgary World. They visited the downtown community and learned about the City of Calgary’s downtown strategy.  During their exploration, students were challenged to consider the provocation question and to begin to think about potential designs to reimage, reconfigure and revitalize Calgary’s downtown. As students embark on this imaginative and collaborative endeavour, they began by participating in a collaboration task with their project partners or team members. In the task, students were required to come up with their own ideas and design, and then collaborate with one another to create one final design.  As students continue to work together, learning objectives throughout the entirety of this project will include: 



-        I can show respect for the contributions and achievements of others. 

-        I can take responsibility and action to find solutions to everyday problems. 


Citizenship in Learning: 

-        I can take responsibility and action to help the group work smoothly. 

-        I can adhere to community expectations and personal convictions in conducting and representing learning. 






  1. Hey Grade 5/6 thanks for taking on a leadership role with supporting the Veteran's Food Bank this year. Really looking forward to learning more about your Minecraft Design Challenge over the coming weeks - thanks for sharing!

  2. Love the contributions for the Veteran's Food Bank. Rhyan has donations she'll be bringing to school, today!


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