Week 13

Hello Ramsay Families, 

It was so nice to meet with everyone to discuss all the amazing learning that has been going on in the classroom during parent/teacher conferences. If we have not had a chance to meet, please reach out and we would be happy to find time to connect. Below you will find a snapshot of our week!


This week, student groups presented their final project for the City of Calgary Level Up Minecraft Challenge! Project proposals and designs included shelters, soup kitchens, mental health centres, cafes and various recreational facilities. Throughout their presentations, students highlighted the benefits of their designs and spoke to the value for the community.  


Learning objectives for student presentations included: 

-       I can use various presentation forms to emphasize key ideas for audience understanding & enjoyment. 

-       I can engage the audience with clear, organized ideas and effective openings & closings. 

-       I can adjust volume, tone of voice and gestures to engage the audience. 


At the conclusion of the presentations, students voted for their top three choices, and our ‘winning’ group will now be sharing their design with the rest of the school. One of two final designs from the 4/5 and 5/6 classrooms will then have an opportunity to represent Ramsay as the final submission to the Minecraft, CBE and city selection committee. 

If you are able to download and access Minecraft on a device at home, please encourage your child to import their design from their Google file so they can share their hard work with you.  


Social Studies 

In social studies this week, students continued to explore real-world examples of how the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms impacts our lives in Canada. Students began to work on a poster to highlight examples of the charter, and to communicate both the specific rights and responsibilities that each of us share.  Completed posters will be displayed throughout the school. 


Our learning outcomes for our poster includes 

- I can analyze examples of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and apply them to real-world examples.  

- I can make connections between rights and responsibilities.   

- I can write or represent the meaning of texts in a variety of forms that engage and inform. 

- I can communicate ideas using content-specific forms to organize information and use visuals that enhance audience understanding & engagement. 





Learning Intentions:  

  • - I can predict where, within a given indoor or outdoor environment, one is likely to find the warmest and coolest temperatures. 

  • - I can describe patterns of air movement in and indoor environments. 

In Science this week, we continued our work with weather and talked about how to measure temperature using a thermometer. Students first made predictions and then were asked to measure the temperature around the room in order to determine where and why there was a change in temperature. 

Here are some of our discoveries: 

-Since warm air rises, the upper air in the room will be the warmest.  

-Other places in the room that also may be warmer will be areas exposed to direct sunlight, particularly during the warmer seasons.  

-The coolest areas will be next to windows during the winter and next to exits or doors where drafts occur. 




Math Connection to our Science Unit 

Learning Intentions: 

-I can construct and interpret double bar graphs to draw conclusions. 

-I can create, label and interpret line graphs to draw conclusions. 

Students also practice recording their date about high and low temperatures into a double bar graph and a line graph. Next week, we will continue to track the weather and students will compare the data between the two weeks. 




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