Week 37
In math this week, students continued to work on practicing the process for determining equivalent fractions and decimals.
· Grade 5 students completed a final assessment on converting base-ten fractions to equivalent decimals, and vice-versa by representing a decimal value (up to the thousandths place) as a fraction.
· Grade 6 students finished working on improper fractions and mixed number equivalents and then moved on to converting both number formats to an equivalent percentage value.
Social Studies
In social studies this week, we continued to explore Iroquois history by learning about the special purpose of Wampum belts. Wampum belts held a special place in Iroquois ceremonies and were created to symbolize treaties and to tell stories from their history.
Students viewed several belt examples and worked to match the images and design to the symbolic messages and meaning attached to each belt. Students then had an opportunity to look at creating their own virtual Wampum belt in order to demonstrate and explain their own understanding of the Iroquois collective identity.
Options for the students included:
1. How decisions were made in the Iroquois Confederacy
2. The social structure of the Iroquois confederacy (clans, councils, clan mothers, chiefs)
3. Role of women, Clan mothers, or women’s council
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