Week 21


How do different writers tell the same story? In ELA this week, students continued to developing their understanding of how to write a strong news article. Provided with two articles, based on the same background information, students compared the texts and then documented the strengths of each one. As a class, we listed the reasons they felt the writing was stronger in their preferred article.  

-       information provided was relevant to the topic 

-       appropriate spacing of paragraphs which encapsulated similar ideas and concepts 

-       vocabulary which was varied, descriptive and detailed 

-       enhanced readability due to correct punctuation, capitalization and spelling 

-       varied sentence structure with simple, compound and complex sentences 

-       clear order of ideas that made sense 

-       provided additional information and in-depth explanations which explained ‘why’ the event occurred 

Starting next week, students will be looking at writing a strong lead paragraph for a news story, and will utilize their created criteria above in order to evaluate its effectiveness.  



In math this week, students finished off their geometry unit on angles and began to look at the transformation of shapes.  Using a grid, students practiced identifying and performing translations of 2D shapes by sliding them according to set criteria. Once the shape was translated (moved), students then made the exact image of the original shape.  Students will be moving onto both the reflection and rotation of shapes in the following weeks.  



Learning Intentions: 

  • - I recognize that the apparent movement of the objects in the night sky is regular and predictable. 

  • - I can explain how this movement is related to the Earth’s rotation. 

In science this week, students continued to develop their understanding of familiar constellations. We read many myths and legends and discussed the idea that different cultures have made sense of the patterns in the stars by seeing shapes and designs and associating them with stories. Students have been tasked with choosing a constellation, demonstrating its movement throughout the seasons and writing a new myth explaining how the constellation was named. 


On Tuesday, we celebrated French Canadian culture with a visit from the sugar shack! Students did an amazing job creating and organizing carnival themed games for their school community. Here are a few pictures from our day! 



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